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El Rincón de Idiomas del Sr. Poppele
Este sitio ya no se actualiza con frecuencia. * This site is no longer being updated frequently.
Spanish 4 Student/Class Resources
Here you will find links to handouts, recordings, assignment and study materials, and other useful resources. This will be updated throughout the year.
2021-04-06 Private Google Meet Recording: Vocabulario - Ciudad y campo (parte 1); tarea (alojamiento): Vídeo
2021-04-06 Vocabulario - Ciudad y campo: Hoja
2021-04-06 Vocabulario - En el hotel: Quizlet StudyStack
2021-04-01 No Pivate Google Meet Recording today: QUIZ day :-) ¡FELICES PASCUAS!
2021-03-31 Error in recording private Google Meet recording today: We just recorded a Kahoot! to practice
present perfect and then worked independently. Please be prepared for open-book quiz tomorrow on vocabulary from the current chapter,
HACE in time expressions, and present perfect (including irregular past participles).
2021-03-30 Private Google Meet Recording: Lectura: El Camino de Santiago: Vídeo
2021-03-29 Private Google Meet Recording: Lectura: Un hostal y un parador: Vídeo
2021-03-29 Guidance Note - Spanish Scheduling for Next Year: Spanish V Options Hoja-Course(s) Descpription
2021-03-26 Private Google Meet Recording: Comparaci[ón de alojamientos: albergues, pensiones, hostales, paradores: Vídeo
2021-03-25 En la recepción recording: Sr. Poppele{s recording while online textbook is down: Grabación
2021-03-25 No private Google Meet recording today: We discussed pronunciation difficulties and continued with independent work
PRONUNCIATION: Careful with G and C. Before E or I, these letters have a "soft" sound.
The soft "G" is like a gutteral English "H".
The soft "C" is like an SSS sound.
These letters followed by an A or O are pronounced as follows:
G sounds like hard "G" like the first "G" in English "garage."
C sounds like hard "C" like English "K."
Be sure that all vowel sounds are pure as well. For example, A in Spanish ALWAYS sounds like "AHH."
Be wary of the pronunciation of cognates; even if spelling is identical or similar between the two languages, pronunciation
can vary greatly!
2021-03-24 Private Google Meet Recording: Dialog assignment: Vídeo
2021-03-23 Private Google Meet Recording: Time expressions with "hace;" dialog: Vídeo
2021-03-22 There Will Be NO Private Google Meet Today: Sr. Poppele is out. Please complete assigned work in Google Classroom
2021-03-19 No Private Google Meet Recording Today: Indpendent work, Q&A
2021-03-18 Private Google Meet Recording: Review of double object pronouns with examples: Vídeo
2021-03-18 Apuntes de la clase: Double object pronouns Q&A: Apuntes
2021-03-17 Private Google Meet Recording: Brief review-present perfect: Vídeo
2021-03-16 Private Google Meet Recording: Brief review-present perfect: Vídeo
2021-03-16 Brief class notes - present perfect review: Hoja
2021-03-15 Private Google Meet Recording: El Sol article (Famosos que fracasaron) - final reading and discussion: Vídeo
2021-03-12 No private Google Meet recording today: We read the article up to page 8, ending with "lo más importante).
If you were not in class today or will not read on Monday during class, please be sure to complete today's Formative.
On Monday, we will complete the reading of the article and reviewing pictures and captions.
There will then be a short, written reflection/opinion prompt to complete on the article.
2021-03-12 El Sol - today's discussion article: Copy of article for today's reading and discussion): Artículo
2021-03-12 El Sol - vocabulario suplementario: Hoja
2021-03-11 Private Google Meet Recording: Preparation for El Sol reading tomorrow (Friday): Vídeo
2021-03-10 El Sol Recording-Famosos que fracasaron: Please listen to the recording and be prepared
to record or read for the class on Friday, March 12: Grabación/Recording
2021-03-10 Private Google Meet Recording: Presente perfecto - formation and usage: Vídeo
2021-03-10 Present Perfect Tense: notes and exercise: Hoja
2021-03-09 Private Google Meet Recording: New chapter vocabulary - en el hotel: Vídeo
2021-03-08 Ecuador Trip Story-Parts 1 and 2: Present tense: Hoja
2021-03-08 Private Google Meet Recording: New chapter introduction and vocabulary discussion: Vídeo
2021-03-08 Vocabulario - En el hotel: Chapter vocabulary list for your notes--print and fill in English meaning: Hoja
2021-03-05 No private Google Meet Recording today: Chapter test is today. (We still meet virtually.)
2021-03-04 Private Google Meet Recording: Chapter review activities: Assignment #150 review: Vídeo
2021-03-03 Private Google Meet Recording: Chapter review activities: video discussion: Vocabulario en vivo: Vídeo
2021-03-02 No private Google Meet Recording today: (We still meet virtually.) Quiz and independent work
2021-03-01 Private Google Meet Recording: Preterite vs. Imperfect review before quiz - assignments #143, 147, 148 review, Q&A: Vídeo
2021-02-26 Private Google Meet Recording: Assignments #147, 148 review, Q&A: Vídeo
2021-02-26 Pretérito vs. Imperfecto - Resumen (summary): Hoja
2021-02-25 Private Google Meet Recording: Assignments/independent work introduction, Q&A: Vídeo
2021-02-24 Private Google Meet Recording: Vocabulary review; video assignment explanation: Vídeo
2021-02-24 Comprehension Video-La Tecnología (a): See assignment #146 accompanying this video: Vídeo
2021-02-23 Private Google Meet Recording: Preterite vs. Imperfect discussion, paragraph #4 review: Vídeo
2021-02-22 Private Google Meet Recording: Preterite vs. Imperfect discussion, paragraph #3 review: Vídeo
2021-02-19 Private Google Meet Recording: Preterite vs. Imperfect discussion, paragraph #2 review: Vídeo
2021-02-18 Private Google Meet Recording: Vocab review; pretérito vs. imperfecto--Paragraph 1 #138 review Vídeo
2021-02-18 Vocabulario - Tecnomundo/la tecnología: Quizlet StudyStack
2021-02-17 Private Google Meet Recording: Pretérito vs. imperfecto--repaso/review, resumen/summary & assignment discussion: Vídeo
2021-02-16 Private Google Meet Recording: Pretérito vs. imperfecto: Vídeo
2021-02-12 Private Google Meet Recording: Revista EL Sol: Articulo "Deepfake: Vídeo
2021-02-12 Artículo de El Sol-Deepfake Copia del artículo: Hojas
2021-02-11 Private Google Meet Recording: Pending assignments, Preterite vs. Imperfect introduction, El Sol activity tomorrow:Vídeo
2021-02-11 Pretérito vs. Imperfecto-Notes & Activities Pack: Hojas
2021-02-10 Instructional Discussion-Presente Progresivo-Mas información: Vídeo
2021-02-03 No Meet recording today - quiz day followed by independent work
2021-02-08 Instructional Discussion-Presente Progresivo-Repaso: Vídeo
2021-02-08 Presente Progresivo-Apuntes: Hoja
2021-02-05 Private Google Meet Class Recording-vocabulario-Tecnomundo/la tecnología (fin): Vídeo
2021-02-04 Private Google Meet Class Recording-Más vocabulario-Tecnomundo/la tecnología: Vídeo
2021-02-03 Snow day
2021-02-02 Private Google Meet Class Recording-Vocabulario-Tecnomundo/la tecnología: Vídeo
2021-02-01 (No Google Meet recording today)-We worked together on assignment #124
and prepared for tomorrow's vocab discussion
2021-02-01 Vocabulario-la tecnología: Hoja
2021-01-29 Private Google Meet Class Recording-Double object pronouns: Vídeo
2021-01-29 Private Project Recordings (Project Presentations): MAURICIO
2021-01-28 Private Google Meet Class Recording:
(Class review on double object pronouns instruction and add'l project presentations--Esetla): Vídeo
2021-01-27 Private Google Meet Class Recording:
(Class instruction on double object pronouns * additional project presentations--Esetla, Juan): Vídeo
2021-01-26 Private Google Meet Recording (Double Object Pronouns, Projects): Vídeo
2021-01-26 Notes and Activity Pack (Indirect, direct, and double object pronouns): Hojas
2021-01-26 Private Project Recordings (Project Presentations): CATALINA DANTE JULIANA O
2021-01-25 Private Project Recording (Project Presentations): GUILLERMO
2021-01-22 Private Google Meet Class Recordings (Intro to today's class - please watch if you missed it) Vídeo
2021-01-22 Private Project Recordings (Project Presentations): BELLA MATEO ANA
2021-01-21 Private Project Recordings (Project Presentations): ALFREDO ADELA MARCELA
2021-01-20 Private Google Meet Class Recording (DOP practice; project presentations): Vídeo
2021-01-19 Direct Object Pronouns (Class review notes): Apuntes de la clase
2021-01-19 Private Google Meet Class Recording Vídeo
(Direct Object Pronouns review; One project presentation with Formative assignment)
2021-01-15 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Final project submission details and suggestions): Vídeo
2021-01-14 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Idiomatic expressions; Project clarifications): Vídeo
2021-01-13 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Direct object pronouns): Vídeo
2021-01-13 Object Pronouns (Notes and Activity Pack - direct, indirect, double object pronouns): Hojas
2021-01-12 Private Google Meet Class Recording ((anción discussion; IOPs - position): Vídeo
2021-01-11 Private Google Meet Class Recording (BRIEF exercises intro on IOP): Vídeo
2021-01-08 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Indirect object pronouns review and game): Vídeo
2021-01-07 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Supplementary concept: preposition + verb infinitive): Vídeo
2021-01-06 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Supplementary point: adjectives as nouns; Vocab; assignment review): Vídeo
2021-01-05 (No private Google Meet Class Recording today - see Google Classroom posts)
2021-01-04 Private Google Meet Class Recording (indirect object pronouns, project, assignments): Vídeo
2020-12-23 Festivals and Holidays Project (our first 2021 project): Hojas Vídeo (en inglés) de las Instrucciones
2020-12-22 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Imperfect practice and review for tomorrow's quiz): Vídeo
2020-12-21 Canción -¡Es tiempo de celebrar! (Song discussed in class-song recording only, for easy access): Vídeo
2020-12-21 Private Google Meet Class Recording (Spanish song & lyrics, hints and tips, project discussion, imperfect asgnmt): Vídeo
2020-12-18 Private Google Meet Class Recording (imperfect, vocabulary, assignments discussion; song): Vídeo
2020-12-16 Private Google Meet Class Recording (imperfect, assignments discussion): Vídeo
2020-12-14 Private Google Meet Class Recording (uses of imperfect, contrast with preterite): Vídeo
2020-12-11 Private Google Meet Class Recording (language hints and tips for your notes; assignments): Vídeo
2020-12-07 Private Google Meet Class Recording (el imperfecto): Vídeo
2020-12-07 Imperfect Tense (notes and initial exercise; print/pick up in class): Hojas
2020-12-03 Private Google Meet Class Recording (silabas y acentos): Vídeo
2020-12-02 Private Google Meet Class Recording (silabas y acentos): Vídeo
2020-12-01 Vocabulario - ¿Qué se celebra?: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-11-24 Private Google Meet Class Recording (vocabulario ¿Qué se celebra?, introducción al imperfecto): Vídeo
2020-11-20 Private Google Meet Class Recording (syllables and stress/accents #3 & asgnmt review): Vídeo
2021-06-04 Private Google Meet Recording: La cocina hispana--Recetas, direct commands
vs. instructions (direct commands, infinitives, indicative statements) Vídeo
2021-06-03 Private Google Meet Recording: La cocina hispana--Recetas, commands Vídeo
2021-06-03 Commands summary with recipe verbs/class notes Hoja
(tú, usted, and ustedes - affirmative and negative commands)
2021-06-02 Private Google Meet Recording: La cocina hispana--Recetas (~27 minutes) Vídeo
¡Lo siento - unas dificultades técnicas causaron la demora en la publicación del vídeo!
Sorry - some technical difficulties caused the delay in video posting!
2021-06-01 Private Google Meet Recording: Vocabulario-La cocina hispana Vídeo
2021-06-01 Vocabulario - La cocina hispana Quizlet StudyStack
2021-05-28 Private Google Meet Recording: La cocina hispana, commands and subjunctive usage Vídeo
2021-05-28 Vocabulario - La cocina hispana Hoja
2021-05-24 Private Google Meet Recording: Subjunctive Review (#209) and assignment Vídeo
2021-05-21 Private Google Meet Recording: Brief discussion of indicative vs. subjunctive vs. infinitive verb use Vídeo
2021-05-21 VERSIÓN 3: Suplemento-Direcciones a un Lugar-Consejos Prácticos (SmartBoard) Hojas
Version 3: Driving Directions Hints & Tips Supplement (SmartBoard)
2021-05-20 Private Google Meet Recording: Subjunctive Usage, Additional Verbs Vídeo
2021-05-20 Subjuntivo - usos y verbos adicionales: Hoja
2021-05-19 Private Google Meet Recording: Subjunctive & Usted Commands (part 3): Vídeo
Also class completion of assignment #204
2021-05-18 Private Google Meet Recording: Subjunctive & Usted Commands (part 2): Vídeo
2021-05-17 Private Google Meet Recording: Subjunctive & Usted Commands (part 1): Vídeo
2021-05-14 There is a Google Meet but no recording today. We will have a lesson on the subjunctive and
formal commands Monday and Tuesday. You can see a preview of lesson materials below in the
Apuntes link,
2021-05-14 Subjunctive and Formal Commands Video Presentation Notes Apuntes
2021-05-13 There is a Google Meet but no recording today. Please continue to work on the project and answer
questions (in Google Classroom or in live class) from Sr. Poppele about your progress.
2021-05-13 VERSIÓN 2: Suplemento-Direcciones a un Lugar-Consejos Prácticos (SmartBoard) Hojas
Version 2: Driving Directions Hints & Tips Supplement (SmartBoard)
2021-05-12 There is a Google Meet but no recording today. Sr. Poppele will be working with you on the Driving
Directions project -- feedback, comments, hints, tips. Please see our SmartBoard notes from today
in the posting below.
2021-05-12 Suplemento-Direcciones a un Lugar-Consejos Prácticos (SmartBoard) Hojas
Driving Directions Hints & Tips Supplement (SmartBoard)
2021-05-11 There is a Google Meet but no recording today. Please take the quiz and continue project work.
2021-05-10 Private Google Meet Recording: Kahoot! (Conditional tense): Vídeo
2021-05-07 Private Google Meet Recording: Project Model Discussion (final): Vídeo
2021-05-06 There is a Google Meet today as usual but no recording. Today is dedicated to independent work
and Q&A.Sr. Poppele has put comments in assignment #186 for those who have made progress on
that assignment on the conditional tense.
2021-05-05 Private Google Meet Recording: El tiempo condicional; Project Model Discussion Vídeo
2021-05-05 El Condicional (y el Futuro) - Apuntes (SmartBoard) Hojas
2021-05-05 El Condicional (y el Futuro) - Apuntes (VGF) Hojas
2021-05-04 Private Google Meet Recording: Project Model Discussion Vídeo
2021-05-03 There WILL be a Google Meet today but no recording. Please complete Friday's quiz and work on project map.
2021-04-30 There will be no Google Meet (or recording) today because Sr. Poppele is out. Have a great weekend!
2021-04-29 Private Google Meet Recording: Driving Directions Project Model, Hints & Tips Vídeo
2021-04-28 There is a Private Google Meet today but no recording: Independent work time;
be sure to start creating the map with required turns and landmarks for the upcoming
Driving Directions Project.
2021-04-27 Private Google Meet Recording: Vocabulary & Project Discussion-¿Vas en carro? Vídeo
2021-04-27 Driving Directions Project-here are the details (but let's start just with the map): Hojas
2021-04-27 Vocabulario - ¿Vas en carro? - Los vehículos y las direcciones Quizlet StudyStack
2021-04-26 Private Google Meet Recording: Más Vocabulario ¿Vas en carro?: Vídeo
Completamos hoy la presentación del vocabulario y repasaremos la hoja entera de vocabulario mañana
We completed the vocab presentation today and will review the entire vocab sheet tomorrow
2021-04-23 Earlier I posted that today was just an independent work day. Lo siento - but this is not
true. We had a lesson and it's recorded, followed by independent practice. The video for
the lesson is below:
2021-04-23 Private Google Meet Recording: Más Vocabulario ¿Vas en carro?: Vídeo
2021-04-23 Earlier I posted that today was just an independent work day. Lo siento - but this is not
2021-04-22 Private Google Meet Recording: Más Vocabulario ¿Vas en carro?: Vídeo
2021-04-21 Private Google Meet Recording: Affirmative, Informal, Singular Commands, Vocab: Vídeo
2021-04-21 Imperativo Afirmativo, Informal, Singular: Apuntes
2021-04-21 Spanish V course request(s): Spanish V Sign-up Please sign up here if you wish to take either one or both of the
Spanish V semester courses next year
2021-04-20 Private Google Meet Recording: Informal tú commands; Vocabulario-¿Vas en carro?: Vídeo
2021-04-20 Vocabulario - ¿Vas en carro?: Hoja Please print if you are at home - now you only need the first two pages
2021-04-19 Examen hoy (no hay sesión grabada de Google Meet/no recorded Google Meet)
2021-04-16 No hay sesión de Google Meet hoy: Sr. Poppele está ausente
2021-04-15 Private Google Meet Recording: Future Tense Assignments Review/Clarification/Q&A, Kahoot!-Futuro: Vídeo
2021-04-14 Private Google Meet Recording: Assignments Discussion & Clarification: Vídeo
2021-04-14 Vocabulario - Ciudad y campo: Quizlet StudyStack
2021-04-13 Private Google Meet Recording: Kahoot!-Tiempo Futuro, y Vocabulario-Ciudad y campo (parte IV): Vídeo
2021-04-12 Private Google Meet Recording: Kahoot!-Tiempo Futuro, y Vocabulario-Ciudad y campo (parte IV): Vídeo
2021-04-09 Private Google Meet Recording: Vocabulario-Ciudad y campo (parte III): Vídeo (You can stop watching once the
vocabulary discussion ends)
2021-04-08 Private Google Meet Recording: Tiempo futuro): Vídeo
2021-04-08 Apuntes de la clase (presentación--tiempo futuro): Hojas
2021-04-07 Private Google Meet Recording: Vocabulario - Ciudad y campo (parte I1): Vídeo
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