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Spanish 4 Student/Class Resources 2020-21 PART 1
Here you will find links to handouts, recordings, assignment and study materials, and other useful resources. This will be updated throughout the year.
2020-12-11 Private Google Meet Class Recording (language hints and tips for your notes; assignments): Vídeo
2020-12-07 Private Google Meet Class Recording (el imperfecto): Vídeo
2020-12-07 Imperfect Tense (notes and initial exercise; print/pick up in class): Hojas
2020-12-03 Private Google Meet Class Recording (silabas y acentos): Vídeo
2020-12-02 Private Google Meet Class Recording (silabas y acentos): Vídeo
2020-12-01 Vocabulario - ¿Qué se celebra?: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-11-24 Private Google Meet Class Recording (vocabulario ¿Qué se celebra?, introducción al imperfecto): Vídeo
2020-11-20 Private Google Meet Class Recording (syllables and stress/accents #3 & asgnmt review): Vídeo
2020-11-20 Syllables, Stress, Pronunciation, & Accent Marks - class presentation notes: Hojas
Be sure to watch/refer to the video lesson (Google Meet videos on 11/19 and 11/20) pertaining to these notes.
2020-11-19 Private Google Meet Class Recording (main topic: syllables and stress/accents #2): Vídeo
Please note: the sound drops out in the beginning but returns quickly (thank you online students for pointing out the problem!
The problem was traced to interference from another teacher microphone. My mic's frequency has been adjusted and we should
no longer experience this problem!
2020-11-19 ¿Qué se celebra? Imperfecto - Notes & Activities Pack: Hojas
2020-11-19 La pronunciación y acentos ortográficos-detalles/presentación: Hojas
2020-11-18 La pronunciación y acentos ortográficos (pronunciation and written accents): Hojas
2020-11-17 Private Google Meet Class Recording (main topic: syllables and stress/accents): Vídeo
2020-11-16 Private Google Meet Class Recording (main topic: preterite review for test): Vídeo
2020-11-16 Preterite March - YouTube: Vídeo Letra/Words
The preterite march helps you memorize the "yo" form of irregular preterite-tense
verbs. It starts with fui - di - vi and continues on with a list of verbs with irregular
preterite stems.
2020-11-13 Private Google Meet Class Recording (very brief; topic: using "a" with verbs): Vídeo
2020-11-13 Comprehensive practice/pretérito-all types of verbs (163 terms): Quizlet StudyStack
2020-11-10 Private Google Meet Class Recording (main topic: preterite spelling changes): Vídeo
2020-11-11 Preterite Spelling Changes: Hojas/Handout
2020-11-10 Private Google Meet Class Recording: Vídeo
2020-11-10 Sample -IR stem-changing verb conjugations (present, preterite): Hojas
2020-11-06 Private Google Meet Class Recording: Vídeo
2020-11-05 Private Google Meet Class Recording: Vídeo
2020-11-04 There is no Google Meet recording for today. On Thursday, November 5, we will
continue the reading and analysis of the article and record that session.
On Friday, everyone will contribute oral thoughts on the Formative (#059)
questions during the class discussion.
2020-11-03 Private Google Meet Class Recording: Vídeo
2020-11-02 Private Google Meet Class Recording: Vídeo
2020-11-02 El Día de los Muertos: Vídeos
2020-10-28 Private Google Meet Class Recording (brief-rest of class was for studying and recording El Sol article): Vídeo
2020-10-27 Private Google Meet Class Recording: Vídeo
2020-10-27 Smartboard Class Notes Display: Hojas
2020-10-27 El Sol - la cultura de la cancelación: Carpeta de grabaciones
2020-10-27 Estrategias de Lectura | Reading Strategies: Hojas
2020-10-26 Improving Pronunciation-hints and tips (11 problem sounds): Hojas
2020-10-16 El Sol noviembre-diciembre SAMPLE: Hojas
2020-10-15 SE Pasivo: Hoja de Apuntes
2020-10-09 Los restaurantes (capítulo 4) Notes and Activity Pack: Hojas
2020-10-06 BSV's like gustar: Hoja de Apuntes
2020-10-02 Verbos Reflexivos-Lista: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-23 Vocabulario de repaso-Así se dice-En tren: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-21 Reflexive Discussion with Samples Hoja
2020-09-18 Backwards-Sentence Verbs like GUSTAR: Brief Review Sheet Hoja
2020-09-18 Verbos - Presente: Backwards-Sentence Verbs like GUSTAR:
Hoja Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-15 Verbos Reflexivos: Discusión y Práctica: Hoja
Reflexive Verbs: Definition and Conjugation: Quizlet StudyStack
Verbs with Reflexive and Non-Reflexive Meaning: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-14 Vocabulario de repaso-Así se dice: La rutina diaria y el camping: Hoja Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-11 Present Tense Summary Review: Link to Video Link to Raw Slides
2020-09-09 Vocabulario de repaso-Así se dice: En avión, el aeropuerto: Hoja Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-08 Repaso: Paquete de actividades de comunicación: Tiempo Presente Enlace (link)
This notes and activity packet is for your reference. We will be reviewing the present tense
and you are encouraged to use the materials in this section to study and refresh your
memory on all of the forms of the present tense that you've studied.
Lista amplia de verbos y categorías Enlace (link)
Open this verbs review document that we will study (review) next week. You learned the
majority of these verbs last year. How many do you remember? Do you know their meaning?
Do you know if the verb is regular or irregular, or if it has a stem change? Look up some of
the verbs that you don't remember. You can create a copy of the document to input details
of the verbs that you don't remember well!
2020-09-08 Listas de práctica de verbos del tiempo presente|Present Tense Verbs Practice Lists
S4 INIT COMP REV A - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set A Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set B Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Sets C AND D Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Sets E THROUGH I Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Sets J THROUGH M Quizlet StudyStack