El Rincón de Idiomas del Sr. Poppele
Este sitio ya no se actualiza con frecuencia. * This site is no longer being updated frequently.
Archivo: Spanish 4 Student/Class Resources
Here you will find links to handouts, recordings, assignment and study materials, and other useful resources. This will be updated throughout the year.
2020-10-27 El Sol - la cultura de la cancelación - grabaciones (recordings) del Sr. Poppele
por publicar/pending publication
2020-10-26 Improving Pronunciation-hints and tips (11 problem sounds): Hojas
2020-10-16 El Sol noviembre-diciembre SAMPLE: Hojas
2020-10-15 SE Pasivo: Hoja de Apuntes
2020-10-09 Los restaurantes (capítulo 4) Notes and Activity Pack: Hojas
2020-10-06 BSV's like gustar: Hoja de Apuntes
2020-10-02 Verbos Reflexivos-Lista: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-23 Vocabulario de repaso-Así se dice-En tren: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-21 Reflexive Discussion with Samples Hoja
2020-09-18 Backwards-Sentence Verbs like GUSTAR: Brief Review Sheet Hoja
2020-09-18 Verbos - Presente: Backwards-Sentence Verbs like GUSTAR:
Hoja Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-15 Verbos Reflexivos: Discusión y Práctica: Hoja
Reflexive Verbs: Definition and Conjugation: Quizlet StudyStack
Verbs with Reflexive and Non-Reflexive Meaning: Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-14 Vocabulario de repaso-Así se dice: La rutina diaria y el camping: Hoja Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-11 Present Tense Summary Review: Link to Video Link to Raw Slides
2020-09-09 Vocabulario de repaso-Así se dice: En avión, el aeropuerto: Hoja Quizlet StudyStack
2020-09-08 Repaso: Paquete de actividades de comunicación: Tiempo Presente Enlace (link)
This notes and activity packet is for your reference. We will be reviewing the present tense
and you are encouraged to use the materials in this section to study and refresh your
memory on all of the forms of the present tense that you've studied.
Lista amplia de verbos y categorías Enlace (link)
Open this verbs review document that we will study (review) next week. You learned the
majority of these verbs last year. How many do you remember? Do you know their meaning?
Do you know if the verb is regular or irregular, or if it has a stem change? Look up some of
the verbs that you don't remember. You can create a copy of the document to input details
of the verbs that you don't remember well!
2020-09-08 Listas de práctica de verbos del tiempo presente|Present Tense Verbs Practice Lists
S4 INIT COMP REV A - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set A Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set B Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Sets C AND D Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Sets E THROUGH I Quizlet StudyStack
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Sets J THROUGH M Quizlet StudyStack
2020------ Palabras y expresiones suplementales: ¿Qué quieres poder decir en español?
2020------ Actividad de práctica de comunicación: Escritura - lo que encuentro interesante
2020-02-24 Vocabulario - capítulo 9-¿Vas en carro? Quizlet StudyStack
2020-01-28 Las direcciones - vocabulario suplemental
2020-04-20 Instructional Practice Session: Informal (tú), Affirmative (Positive) Commands
2020-04-20 Instructional Practice Session: Conditional (and future)
2020-03-25 Reflexive (level 1) Activities/Review
Reflexive Verbs - Definition and Conjugation Quizlet StudyStack
Verbs with Reflexive and Non-Reflexive Meaning Quizlet StudyStack
2020-02-26 PAQUETE: Ciudad y campo - Así se dice L2 C8
2020-02-24 Vocabulario - capítulo 8 - Ciudad y campo Quizlet StudyStack
2020-02-06 Present Perfect - class notes/packet
2020-01-28 Vocabulario: En el hotel Quizlet StudyStack
2020-01-21 Syllables, Stress, and Accents
2020-01-03 PAQUETE: En el hotel - Así se dice L2 C7
2019-12-16 PAQUETE: Packet-DOP IOP DOUBLE (direct, indirect, & double object pronouns)
2019-12-12 Preterite vs. Imperfect - Preguntas
2019-12-10 PAQUETE: Tren, Restaurante, IOP, DOP, SE pasivo, Días Feriados
2019-12-03 Apuntes de la clase/class notes: Pretérito vs. Imperfecto
2019-11-17 Packet: Imperfecto y Pretérito
2019-11-12 Video: Brief discussion on SER vs. ESTAR
2019-11-05 Reflexive Verbs Review List: Quizlet StudyStack
2019-11-05 Comprehensive Verbs Review List: Quizlet StudyStack
2019-10-29 Packet: Rutina-Reflexivo
2019-10-20 Backwards-Sentence Verbs-comprehensive practice: Quizlet StudyStack
2019-09-16 En Avión paquete de repaso/review packet B
2019-09-16 Possession Packet
2019-09-06 Materials for assignment 012: Diálogo entre Juan y su madre (handout and recording)
2019-09-06 Comprehensive Present Tense Review Packet
2019-08-26 El Ojo Humano
2019-08-26 Reading Strategies Worksheet
2019-05-24 HANDOUT: subjuntivo en cláusulas nominales / Subjunctive in noun clauses
2019-03-19 Capítulo 9 - Tarjetas de estudio y Juegos / Flashcards and Games
2019-01-25 Syllables, Stress, and Accents handout
2019-01-25 Quizlet - Chapter 8 Vocabulary
2019-01-11 Quizlet - Chapter 7 Vocabulary
2019-01-08 Guía de Estudio para el Examen de Medio Año / Midterm Study Guide
2018-12-11 Double Object Pronouns packet Key
2018-12-10 Preterite vs Imperfect Class Notes-SmartBoard
2018-12-04 Preterite vs Imperfect Class Notes
2018-10-28 Preterite and Imperfect Notes and Worksheets (packet)
2018-10-03 Copy of DIALOG 003 document - make a copy to use for editing
2018-09-17 Spelling Changes in the Present Tense - Notes
2018-08-26 Assignment #003 (ID=003JUANM): Diálogo entre Juan y su madre (handout and recording)
S4 INIT COMP REV B - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set B
S4 INIT COMP REV C - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set C
S4 INIT COMP REV D - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set D
S4 INIT COMP REV E - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set E
S4 INIT COMP REV F - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set F
S4 INIT COMP REV G - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set G
S4 INIT COMP REV H - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set H
S4 INIT COMP REV I - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set I
S4 INIT COMP REV J - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set J
S4 INIT COMP REV K - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set K
S4 INIT COMP REV L - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set L
S4 INIT COMP REV M - Comprehensive Spanish I, II, III Review: Set M