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El Rincón de Idiomas del Sr. Poppele
Este sitio ya no se actualiza con frecuencia. * This site is no longer being updated frequently.
Ensuring Your Success & Managing Your Work
Stay up-to-date with notes, assignments, and studying! Here are some tips.
1) Pay attention in class, take notes, participate.
2) Log into Google Classroom for the current day's work.
3) Complete assigned work by the posted due date.
4) Ask questions and get help when you need it -- during class is best, but feel free to set up a meeting with Sr. Poppele or to send an email to Sr. Poppele. Take advantage of opportunities to obtain extra help outside of the normal class time.
5) Mark work as completed in Google Classroom by clicking on the turn in button as soon as the work is done: Use the Turn In button in Google Classroom for ALL Completed Assignments
6) If you are a virtual student, be sure to follow specific attendance procedures communicated to you by Mr. Oakley.
7) Follow these tips daily to ensure success on all assignments!
1) Review notes and assignments from the past week to make sure everything is completed to the best of your ability, and turned in.
1) Take care of yourself. Make sure you make time for meals and that you get enough sleep!
2) Relax and take satisfaction in a good day's work!
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